
About Us
Welcome to infinity, my new clothing brand and styling business. The story behind Infinity is very sentimental to me. I created this brand because I wanted to showcase my talents and ability to create through the world of fashion. My line was drawn and crafted through my own lense. Furthermore, my products are of good quality fabrics and are also handcrafted.
The text book definition of infinity is "the state or quality of being infinite" or "Endless". This is the story of what infinity means to me. In 2022, my grandmother passed away. My entire life changed. I had to remove myself from university as I could not manage the difficulties during that time period. My grandmother was my world. Now that I am further along in my healing process, I had to think about what I really wanted to do with my life. My grandmother always wanted the best for me. She pushed me to follow my dreams and reach for my goals. Which is exactly what I am doing. Her spirit lives through me. She is my inspiration in everything that I do. It is now 2023, and I have begun my journey at university once again. I have also begun to take modeling seriously. I signed my first contract November 2023. I am following my dreams. Creating this brand took a lot of hard work and dedication. I chose such dynamic and vibrant colors for my first launch to help capture the essence of culture. The different colors both clash and mend together to create dope designs. I created these unique color patterns to ensure that I showcased my inner style whilst adapting to my customers. There is something for everyone.
Seeing infinity finally become a reality is astonishing. I know that my grandmother is proud of me. I named my clothing brand, Infinity Code, after her. With Infinity meaning forever, she will live on for eternity. This is my opportunity to share and showcase my style to the world. This is my tribute. This is my story. This is infinity.